Sunshine Blogger Award :)


It was a huge surprise to see my blog nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  Thank you, Vanessa, from Wanderlust plus one.  You brought a lot of smiles and a large dose of sunshine to my day.  🙂

I have loved traveling vicariously with Vanessa’s family.  Go see where they will be traveling next at Wanderlustplusone . You will love her wonderful photography and tips for traveling, especially with children.


 What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

The Sunshine Blogger Award is given out by bloggers to fellow bloggers who blog about positive, happy and inspiring content. I think this concept is also a great way of discovering other positive blogs.

I will continue the spirit of the award by nominating another 11 bloggers I think you will also love to follow.  If these nominees want to accept the award, I encourage them to read and follow the rules of the award as below:

  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the eleven questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate eleven blogs to receive the award and write them eleven new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.

I am pleased to nominate the following bloggers for the Sunshine Blogger Award:







Bespoke Traveler

John Hric


I am sure you will enjoy visiting each of these wonderful blogs!


Here are my answers to the eleven questions from Vanessa:

Where would you most like to drink a cup of tea or coffee?                                                                          Tea, Chamomile is always a favorite.

Which island would you most like to be stranded on?                                                                                     Any of the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington state.  Deliberately being stranded is a lifestyle for many people who live there.  🙂

Swimsuit, hiking boots or ski suit?                                                                                                                          Hiking boots.  In Utah, there is no shortage of great places to hike or even a nice walk, but comfortable shoes are always a must!

What would your preferred hotel style be? Modern, traditional, luxury…?                                               Let’s see, what would a cruise ship be considered, luxury?  🙂  Honestly, all of the above, it is fun to try new things.

What’s and where is your favourite museum?                                                                                                    This is an impossible question to answer. I have loved every museum that I have ever visited.  The Museum of Art in Provo, Utah and the Springville Art Museum, Springville, Utah are two that I frequent here at home.

What are the cities you would most and least like to live in that you have visited?                                 Ketchikan, Alaska would be on the top of my list of places where I would love to live.  Park City, Utah is up there too.  I could do without living in Las Lojas, Ecuador, however.

Where was your first flight to?                                                                                                                                   It was just a quick flight to Los Angeles.  The next flight I was on, years later, took 13 hours to reach our destination, due to all of the stops we had along the way.

How many countries have you visited?                                                                                                                   Eight.

Which language would you like to speak?                                                                                                             Another hard question.  Celtic would have to be my answer.

If you could travel back in time to meet a historical figure, who would it be and why?                         I think I could have a very interesting conversation with Agatha Christie.  How great it would be to see how the brain of a master mystery writer works!

Are there any places in the world you would not want to visit, and why?                                                   Not really.  Though I would not place myself in danger to go.

Thank you again Vanessa!

Here are the questions for my nominees:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. Which place have you visited that you think has the most beautiful scenery?
  3. What is your favorite season?
  4. Do you have a favorite holiday?
  5. What country are you from?
  6. Name a few favorite places you have traveled.
  7. What is your favorite food?
  8. Name some of the outdoor activities that you enjoy doing.
  9. If you could time-travel, which time period would you visit and why?
  10. List 3 things on your bucket list.
  11. If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose?


7 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award :)

  1. Congratulations again 🌞
    I really enjoyed reading all your answers to my questions. I was quite surprised that you would like to learn celtic, quite an unusual language.
    I will be looking forward to your future posts,


    1. And Congratulations to you for both the Sunshine and Bloggers Recognition awards. Both are well deserved!
      Thank you for orchestrating this experience for me, I had fun and it was great getting to know more about
      some of my favorite travelers and photographers!
      Learning Celtic would be entirely selfish for me. I’m sure that having ancestors from Scotland and Ireland has
      something to do with it, but I have also been wanting to write a series of novels set in the highlands. So it
      feels right to know the language. 🙂
      Can’t wait to see where you get to go next! Thanks for taking us along on your family adventures!

      Liked by 1 person

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